
20 Ways To Make A Person Laugh

Do you wish to brighten someone's day today? Perhaps you can brighten their day a little. It won't cost you a penny or take up much of your time to do so. And, because smiling is contagious, you're likely to make more than one person smile today.

Here are 20 ways to make that scowl disappear.

1. Send flowers to your coworker's partner.
2. Congratulate a friend or coworker on their appearance.
3. Make a charitable contribution.
4. Have lunch with a friend.
5. Tell someone you're missing them.
6. Just to say hello, make a surprise phone call to your coworker.
7. Hold a door open for a person approaching from behind.
8. Give your partner a random hug.
9. Leave a joke on the answering machine of a friend.
10. Send a card to a friend congratulating them on being a good friend.
11. Give up your seat on the train to someone when there aren’t any left.
12. Share your umbrella on a rainy day.
13. Ask a friend if they need anything while you’re out shopping.
14. When it’s raining, plan an indoor picnic with your children.
15. Leave a love letter somewhere where your partner will find it.
16. Send someone an unusual and unexpected gift like chocolate, flowers or sex toys.
17. Tell your child you’re proud of them.
18. Tell someone you thought about them the other day.
19. Cook a surprise meal for your partner one night, especially if they normally do the cooking.
20. Tell your partner you love them.

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